During the lazy days of summer, there may be a time when you are looking for something to do.
DO ART!!!!!
- Simply taking some art supplies out under the shade of a tree or porch is a fun and creative way to spend a summer afternoon.
- Sidewalk chalk is fun and temporary. The first rain or sprinkler on the sidewalk will wash the chalk away. Take turns laying down and tracing each other. Then turn the outlines into a story telling artwork. Look for the post entitled RECIPES for a recipe for sidewalk chalk!
- Gather all the old magazines in the house and let the kids cut and paste together a collage to their heart's content. Pick a theme, like 'in my dreams' to help get the creative juices flowing.
- If you are planning to travel; give your little artist a journey book! This book should have blank pages and can be filled with sketches of people, places, and events along the journey. A simple pencil, eraser, and dollar store colored pencil box complete the set!
- Make home made salt dough "play-doh" (again, see the post entitled RECIPES) and sculpt!
- Look for summer art classes offered by local city Arts Councils! These are usually inexpensive and only last one week.
Great Ideas! Also remember to enter the A.F. Steel Days Art Show July 13- 18! Yipee -lets look at art!