Hey all you Harvest Artists! Here is a summer challenge for you!
Find the EXTRA CREDIT on this blog. Learn about one of them and report in! Add a comment to this blog post and the first TWO reporting in will WIN A COPY OF THE SOFTWARE SHOWN ABOVE!
That's right! I will mail a copy of Crayola's Print Factory AND Magic 3D Coloring Book to the first two blog readers who respond!
Here are the ground rules:
- You must be one of my students at Harvest Elementary (yes, my exiting 6th graders can still participate!).
- You can have a parent help you!
- You must tell me something about what you discovered in the EXTRA CREDIT section. Please don't write a novel!
- DO NOT INCLUDE YOUR PERSONAL MAILING INFO IN THE COMMENT! I will announce the two winners in the next blog post and give you the info you need to contact me privately so I can mail you your prize.
That's it! The software is older, I make no guarantees that it will work with your system... but since it is FREE you might as well give it a shot!
Good Luck!